
Einstein: Human+Genius

Arioso from Cantata, Johann Sebastian Bach

Einstein. It is synonymous to genius, encompassing one man's life of perpetual curiosity and creativity. But if one were to comment on J. Edgar Hoover's secret campaign against Einstein, one would be as incredulous as Sam Papich, FBI's former liaison officer, "Einstein? Albert Einstein? Why would we ever have a file on him?" (Jerome xx)
How could we not know? Why did Hoover hide it from even within his own FBI? What was so threatening about the wild-haired professor? These questions unravel another life of Einstein we did not know, both grave and light-hearted, but paving the path to Einstein's unintended legacy.

This is the thesis of my website entry to the History Day competition.  The 2009 theme was "The Individual in History: Actions and Legacies." It was one of the best experiences of my high school career. I obsessed over this contest for days, tweaking css styles, adding paragraphs and videos.  I labored over this project, but it was very satisfying seeing the little symbols of code become an image, an mp3 embedded file.  It was, in a word, awesome.   

And it's up again! Human/Genius: The Face(s) of Einstein

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.     -Albert Einstein

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